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Нужен совет по поводу съема квартиры

Тема в разделе "Жилищный вопрос", создана пользователем Liuda, 4 июн 2015.

  1. Malva

    Malva Новичок

    а подскажите по налогам какие должен платить tenant?

    1)Water Board or Polder Taxes in connection with the actual use of the Subjects and the actual joint use of service areas,
    public and communal spaces;
    2) environmental levies, including surface water pollution levy and waste water sewerage charges;
    3) betterment levy, or related taxes or levies, in whole or to a proportionate extent if and insofar as the Tenant profits from whatever gives rise to the assessment or levy;
    4) other existing or future taxes, environmental protection costs, burdens, levies and charges in relation to the Tenant’s actual use; in relation to the Tenant’s possessions; which would not have been imposed, or not imposed in their entirety, had the Subjects not been given over for the Tenant’s use.

    1 и 2 пункты ясны мне,
    а вот 3 и 4 пункты - помогите кто-то разшифровать.
  1. Anastasia_Sm
  2. NickDatch
  3. S_Tesla
  4. Igor Buslov
  5. KatrinS
    Всем добрый день.
    Автор темы: KatrinS, 24 окт 2021, ответов - 10, в разделе: Жилищный вопрос

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