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Вывоз валюты (наличными)

Тема в разделе "Финансы", создана пользователем Сэл, 3 апр 2008.

  1. Сэл

    Сэл Шпрехшталмейстер

    Какую сумму наличными можно легально вывезти из Нидерландов за пределы ЕС, не собирая справок и разрешений?
  2. ncux

    ncux Админ

    ВЫвоз/транспорт через границу без декларации - 10к евро. (
    Скорее вопрос надо ставить - сколько можно ВВОЗИТЬ в ту или иную страну.
  3. utnl

    utnl Старожил

    All travellers entering or leaving the EU with EUR 10 000 or more in cash must declare the sum to Customs in order to comply with European Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005 applicable from 15 June 2007. This initiative is introduced for the purposes to assist the efforts made at EU level to tackle crime and improve security by cracking down on money laundering, terrorism and criminality.

    Who must make a declaration?
    Any person entering or leaving the European Union through the external control points:

    With € 10 000 or more in cash;

    Or its equivalent in other currencies or easily convertible assets
    (e. g. bonds, shares, traveller’s cheques…).

    Where must I make the declaration?
    The declaration must be completed and lodged with customs (or other competent authority) at the control point through which you enter or leave the EU.

    Why must I make a declaration?

    To deter illegal activities such as money laundering and the financing of terrorism by disrupting the movement of illicit funds;

    To comply with European Union Legislation; and

    To avoid penalties for non-compliance.

    What if I fail to complete the declaration or submit a false one?

    The cash could be detained or seized; and

    You could be subject to penalties.

    Please be aware that there are separate control and declaration provisions for intra community cash movements in some Member States. These will be applied in addition to EU rules.
    Website Douane (www.douane.nl)
  4. Сэл

    Сэл Шпрехшталмейстер

    Спасибо большое за ответы.
    Информация известна.
    P.S. Вот только ничего не нашёл о возрасте провозящего. Дитё на мороженко 10к может независимо от родителя захватить?

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