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Star Trek for Communists (о сколько нам открытий чудных...)

Тема в разделе "Delirium Tremens", создана пользователем Anna, 17 дек 2002.

  1. Anna

    Anna Аксакал

    Если вы не поленитесь и просмотрите
    вот эту статью, то узнаете немало интересного и в каком-то смысле забавного...

    Не могу не привести начало, чтобы было понятно, о чем идет речь:

    When I was living in Moscow last year, I loved to watch reruns of a late-1960s Russian science-fiction TV show called "Kosmicheskaya Militsiya." The title translates as either Space Police or Cosmic Militia, though the show is usually called "Cosmos Patrol" in English. You could say that "Cosmos Patrol" is a lot like "Star Trek," but it would be more accurate to call it a bare-faced Commie rip-off.

    Although Russia's science-fiction tradition predates Jules Verne, "Cosmos Patrol" is "Star Trek" in Marxist-Leninist drag. Consider the similarities: "Cosmos Patrol" takes place in the 23rd century aboard a large galaxy-cruising spaceship called the Red Adventurer (Krasny Avantyurist). Like the Starship Enterprise, the Red Adventurer is on a long-term mission of exploration on behalf of the Commonwealth of Independent Star Systems. Both ships are manned by some 400 brave and able crewmen and -women. Both ships encounter strange alien beings and bizarre celestial phenomena week after week. Both ships boast a dashing commander at their helm, with an overly intellectual first officer by his side. And both shows feature cheap special effects and odd velour uniforms.

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  2. Фамил

    Фамил Новичок

    А я темнота, никогда даже не слышал об этом сериале :-( А статья классная.
  3. Anna

    Anna Аксакал

    Появилось подозрение, что это чей-то хорошо сработанный прикол:) но читать все равно интересно  :hehe:

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