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Minority Report in action

Тема в разделе "В мире", создана пользователем kosta, 30 ноя 2006.

  1. kosta

    kosta Аксакал

    In GB they are trying out a software scheme that is very close to Minority-Report:

    Psychological profiles of violent convicts are matched with people in some districts in the London area (I wonder in which areas in London they check that) in order to figure out the 100 most dangerous people living there (why only 100, why not 100.000?). These suspects are eventually going to be arrested or put into psychiatric treatment even before they commit a crime.

    Here is the link:


    Верной дорогой идёте, товарищи?
  2. Alexandre (Eindhoven)

    Alexandre (Eindhoven) Старожил

    В русских поселках эта схема работала давно. Участковый периодически навещал семьи алкоголиков и хулиганов и грозил им пальцем.


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