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Junior consultant in Administrative Reform (Вакансия)

Тема в разделе "Работа и учёба", создана пользователем Darida, 16 мар 2006.

  1. Darida

    Darida Аксакал

    Мне на мой е-mail пришло следующее сообщение, мне ни к чему, но, может, кого-нибудь заинтересует:

    Junior consultant in Administrative Reform
    NWS = Nicolaas Witsen Stichting, Amsterdam

    The Nicolaas Witsen Foundation is an independent,
    not-for-profit organisation that seeks to promote public administration
    reform in transitional countries through research, publications, policy
    advice and the management of strategic projects. Since 1990, we have built
    up an extensive track record working with national and local governments
    Central and Eastern Europe. We undertake prestigious projects, large and
    small, and deliver them to the highest standards for the benefit of donors
    and counterparts. Our clients include the European Commission, the World
    Bank, the EBRD, Dutch and UK donors.

    The principal issues on which we focus are: EU Integration, institutional
    development, public finance management, legal framework development, human
    resource management, change management and capacity building.

    As a result of our recently expanded project portfolio, we are seeking to
    expand our staff with a creative and committed junior consultant who has
    following characteristics:
    * relevant academic degree (i.e. public administration, economics,
    Russian studies)
    * proficiency in English, Russian is an advantage
    * excellent oral and written communication skills
    * willingness to work extensively in Russian and Central and
    Eastern Europe
    * at least 3 years relevant work experience
    * commitment to the objectives of the Nicolaas Witsen Foundation.

    If you believe you meet the profile described above, and look forward to
    working on interesting and demanding international projects with congenial
    subject=Junior consultant in Administrative Reform

    until March 31, 2006. For further information please
    contact Anna Parkhomenko in Amsterdam on +31 20 563 6960 or consult our website www.nwfreform.org

    Anna Parkhomenko
    Nicolaas Witsen Stichting
    Hoekenrode 2
    1102 BR Amsterdam
    Tel. +31 (0) 20 563 69 60 (general)
    Tel. +31 (0) 20 563 69 63 (direct)
    Fax. +31 (0) 20 563 69 66
    E-mail: parkhomenko@nwfreform.org
  2. elena sokolova

    elena sokolova Аксакал

    Очень интересно для моей дочери. Вам это случайно пришло, или вы имеете какое - то отношение?

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