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Internet-Taps (Dutch Authorities Lift Web-Surveillance)

Тема в разделе "В Голландии", создана пользователем Evgenij Koronin, 6 апр 2004.

  1. Evgenij Koronin

    Evgenij Koronin Модератор

    Мне на глаза попалась статья, ссылки на которую наверное не существует, пришло по емейл. Так что приведу вкратце только несколько параграфов (всего 5 страниц A4). На английском. ОБщий смысл: голландская полиция поднимает уровень слежения за Интернет-трафиком.

    The Netherlands has taken electronic surveillance one step further. Under a three-year-old law, Dutch Internet-service providers -- the companies that act as the gateway to the Internet -- are required to install monitoring equipment that police can access. To get an Internet tap, the police need a judge's order -- the same requirement as for a phone tap. "It's getting more and more used," says Taco Stein, a Rotterdam prosecutor specializing in Internet surveillance. "Two years ago, it was incidental. Today, it's common practice."

    Whereas laws in many countries sharply limit the scope of an Internet tap, Dutch law does exactly the opposite. Investigators here are required to intercept all telephone or e-mail traffic of a suspect to show they haven't filtered out exchanges that might be detrimental to their case. Any evidence they gather -- even if it is for a completely different crime than the one that spurred their investigation -- can be used in court.
    As criminals increasingly venture into cyberspace, Internet snooping gives police a crucial new tool to fight back. Still, Internet taps aren't about to supplant good old-fashioned police work. In the van Laarhoven case, for instance, 400 police officers were deployed to actually catch Mr. van Laarhoven withdrawing money so authorities could make their case.

    Dutch police say they already have used Internet taps to solve crimes far beyond the realm of cyberspace, such as drug and fraud cases. Last November, for instance, Dutch police used wiretaps to catch people who threatened to bomb an American target in the Netherlands.
    For now, police in other countries have far more limited powers to tap the Net than do the Dutch police.
    The Netherlands has been one of the most enthusiastic adopters of Internet surveillance in part because the country's law-enforcement agencies have a long tradition of wire-tapping, dating from the 1970s. Prosecutors say the police here now intercept about 10,000 telephone calls a year -- a huge number for a nation of 16 million people, according to privacy advocates.

    As more communications moved on to the Internet in the late 1990s, the Dutch government realized that tapping telephone conversations was no longer enough. In 1998, the government introduced a new law, requiring Internet-service providers to install monitoring software on their networks that would be available for use by the police. That raised the ire of civil-liberties groups, who already felt wiretapping in the Netherlands had gotten out of hand.
    To give the service providers time to prepare, the government stipulated that the law wouldn't take effect until April 2001. Ninety percent of the service providers' networks now are set up so police can tap them.

    Any police station in the Netherlands can ask a prosecutor for permission to monitor a suspect's Internet traffic. If the prosecutor gets the green light from a judge, the police survey local service providers to find out which one the suspect uses.

    Software is used to make an instant copy of all traffic going in and out of a service provider's computer servers. Those copies then are directed to a police interception centre. Investigators can choose to see which Web pages a suspect visits, all the material he or she downloads and all ingoing and outgoing e-mails.
  2. Alexey

    Alexey Аксакал

    А что удивительного?
  3. Dmitry Pankratov

    Dmitry Pankratov Аксакал

    Отсюда вывод - In God we trust, everything else we verify with PGP :)
    Пущай себе мониторят весь мой траффик, как говорится - i don't give a damn shit... :lol:
  4. vss

    vss Новичок

    Че, тоже ослом качал?

    зы. Это ты утром на велике по парку мимо пинк роккады ездишь?
  5. Evgenij Koronin

    Evgenij Koronin Модератор

    вы женшина или мужчина? обычно женщины так "подробно" описывают место встречи.
    а что такое роккада? :) и где она такая розовая, может и не я :) и в какое время?
    ослом не качал, статья из корпоративной рассылки.

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