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EU offers expat workers longer stay (temporary access 6 месяцев вместо 3-х)

Тема в разделе "Работа и учёба", создана пользователем Anna, 5 май 2003.

  1. Anna

    Anna Аксакал

    EU offers expat workers longer stay

    AMSTERDAM — Expats from outside the EU may soon be granted a doubled length of stay in Europe in a deal with Brussels to lower global barriers to business.

    The EU offer, during World Trade Organisation discussions, would let non-EU companies in industries such as computing, banking, architecture, legal and engineering send employees to the 15-nation bloc for six months instead of the current three.

    It would also allow self-employed contractors to enter the EU to provide services such as engineering, computer or management consultancy for six months in any one year.

  2. Evgenij Koronin

    Evgenij Koronin Модератор

    Линк почему то получился  на ненавидимую мной группу Cheeky Girls  :badteeth:

    Вот новый линк
  3. Anna

    Anna Аксакал

    Спасибо, я тоже исправила :)

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