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Big Bang, Big Crunch... and now Big Rip (космологические новости о конце света)

Тема в разделе "В мире", создана пользователем Anna, 9 май 2003.

  1. Anna

    Anna Аксакал

    The Big Rip: New Theory Ends Universe by Shredding Everything

    A rather harrowing new theory about the death of the universe paints a picture of "phantom energy" ripping apart galaxies, stars, planets and eventually every speck of matter in a fantastical end to time.

    Scientifically it is just about the most repulsive notion ever conceived.

    The speculative but serious cosmology is described as a "pretty fantastic possibility" even by its lead author, Robert Caldwell of Dartmouth University. It explains one possible outcome for solid astronomical observations made in the late 1990s -- that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing pace, and that something unknown is vacuuming everything outward.

    Дальше там есть ссылки на несколько еще более безумных теорий... если верить их авторам, то тепловая смерть по 2 закону термодинамики не грозит - все будет более кроваво. С учетом сроков, правда, пока что рано беспокоиться  :sun:

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