Immigration query: MVV - Rules and regulations?

Тема в разделе "English only!", создана пользователем Yan, 15 май 2019.

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  1. Yan

    Yan Новичок

    Hi there,

    Is there anyone who could possibly clarify/define the MVV status? Has anyone ever come across it?

    Many thanks
  2. Katherine

    Katherine Старожил

  3. Yan

    Yan Новичок

  4. Yan

    Yan Новичок

    For the Israelis
  5. elena sokolova

    elena sokolova Аксакал

    • Нравится Нравится x 1
  6. Yan

    Yan Новичок

    The thing is that i've gone through all these topics. This is what i'm after to be precise
    Additional information
    San Marino and Israel
    Based on the Benelux Treaty, citizens of San Marino and Israel do not pay for the application for an mvv. Since the application for the residence permit is free of charge, these citizens do not pay for the TEV-procedure (joint application for mvv and residence permit).
    Последнее редактирование: 15 май 2019
  7. ncux

    ncux Админ

    MVV is not a status, but an entry visa only.
    In order to stay in NL one has to apply for a residence permit.
    If you want specific information from IND (but you'd need to be more precise about it, because until now you've been very vague :)), best idea is to send them an email.
    They answer within 1-2 days and they usually provide plenty of information regarding the subject of your inquiry.
    • Нравится Нравится x 2
  8. Yan

    Yan Новичок

    Hiya, thanks for the prompt reply:happy: My being vague entirely comes from the fact that the content on their website is in Dutch mostly. However, 1-2 days sounds promising comparing to the UK's Home Office. Them lot are a nightmare to deal with...
  9. sigma

    sigma Присяжный переводчик

    Switch to English and you will get the same information as in Dutch.
    • Согласен Согласен x 1
  10. ncux

    ncux Админ

    That is incorrect. Entire IND website is 100% translated into English. Being one of the few (if not the only one) governmental organizations with a full English mirror of the Dutch version.
    • Согласен Согласен x 2
  11. Yan

    Yan Новичок

    Yep, i get u. Many thnx for ur help!
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