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Private Driving Practising in Den Haag (Private Driving Practises)

Тема в разделе "English only!", создана пользователем Meran, 5 апр 2008.

  1. Meran

    Meran Новичок

    Autorijschol Zagros

    Get your driving license fastly with an experienced Instructor, just for Den Haag and surrounding Areas, based on new Examination Rules, lessons starting from CBR and it means appointing arround CBR in Rijswijk, 100% private, pupils wont be picked up from home, otherwise considering new examination routes and objects, practising less than 2 hours in each appointement has no sence, each full hour (60min)costs 35 euro, possible to take discount in the case of buying a full package.
    practising take place JUST IN THE WEEKEND and sometimes during the evening hours.

    NO practising in other regions out of Den Haag.
    Teaching in Dutch, Russian, German, and English is possible.
    Exam rsults of past 6 month available.
    No Extra Administration costs for Theory Reservations.

    for more information contact this number:0653757850
  2. valeria

    valeria Присяжный переводчик

    do you speak Dutch?

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