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Тема в разделе "Кунсткамера", создана пользователем Zheka_, 28 фев 2015.

  1. Zheka_

    Zheka_ Завсегдатай

  2. _id_

    _id_ Аксакал

    Такого, каким его показывает монитор
    • Согласен Согласен x 2
  3. Zheka_

    Zheka_ Завсегдатай

    Я вижу его бело-золотым.
    • Согласен Согласен x 1
  4. Darida

    Darida Аксакал

    У меня уже аллергия на это платье- в интернете прет из всех углов...Вот и до Рассвета добралось.
    • Согласен Согласен x 1
  5. Tovarish_Mayor

    Tovarish_Mayor Активный форумчанин

    • Смешно Смешно x 2
  6. relgames

    relgames Аксакал

    Сине-золотое, в фотошопе смотрел ;)
  7. devoid

    devoid Админ

    • Нравится Нравится x 1
  8. Сэл

    Сэл Шпрехшталмейстер

    • Согласен Согласен x 1
  9. kosta

    kosta Аксакал

    "About 150 years ago, a British scholar named William Gladstone was studying Homer’s "The Odyssey" and noticed that the poet had some unconventional descriptions of color. For instance, honey was described as green, while iron was called violet. However, no mention of blue existed. Similar investigations into ancient texts of a number of other languages were also missing any mention of the word blue. In fact, the first mention of blue wasn't found in any language until about 4,500 years ago. Was it possible that they weren’t able to perceive it as we do now?

    Psychologist Jules Davidoff traveled to Namibia in order to conduct an experiment with the Himba tribe. Their language has no distinct word for blue, and when asked to choose a blue square among a group of green squares, they had extreme difficulty."

    • Информативно Информативно x 1
  10. alexgeorg

    alexgeorg Аксакал

    Неудивительно, поскольку поэта считают слепым.
  11. kosta

    kosta Аксакал

    вряд ли:

    "Despite the insistence of the surviving sources that Homer was blind, there are many serious objections to the "blind" theory. A few of the vitae imply that he was not blind. If he could not write, then he was illiterate and incapable of composition. A large poem would have been beyond the capacity of human memory without the assistance of written cues. Moreover, the images in the poem are very graphic, but a blind man would never have experienced the scenes of the images. Answers exist to all the objections.[32]The example of John Milton, who composed and dictated "Paradise Lost" while totally blind, demonstrates that a blind man can compose an epic. Albert B. Lord's "The Singer of Tales", on the topic of epics sung by modern rhapsodes, shows that epics of that size have been in fact being composed spontaneously from memorized elements in modern times. The problem of visual cues can be solved if Homer can be presumed not to have been blind from birth, but to have become blind, which is the point of view of Pseudo-Herodotus."

    "The poems give evidence of familiarity with the natural details and place-names of this area of Asia Minor;[48] for example, Homer refers to meadow birds at the mouth of theCaystros,[49] a storm in the Icarian sea,[50] and mentions that women in Maeonia and Cariastain ivory with scarlet."


    не говоря уже о том, что ученые до сих пор спорят - был ли вообще такой автор… ;)
  12. kosta

    kosta Аксакал

    "The ancient Greeks classified colours by whether they were light or dark, rather than by their hue. The ancient Greek word for dark blue, kyaneos, could also mean dark green, violet, black or brown. The ancient Greek word for a light blue, glaukos, also could mean light green, grey, or yellow.[3]"


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