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Вопросы детского билингвализма

Discussion in 'Школа' started by Orange, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Orange

    Orange Старожил

    Вторая из обещанных тем.

    Это пятиминутное видео - must watch для всех.
    Разъясняются различные типы билингвализма и разница в структуре мозга между билингвами и монолингвами.

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  2. Orange

    Orange Старожил

    Что происходит с ребенком после попадания в другую языковую среду в школьном возрасте -

    Sequential Second Language Learners

    Sequential learners include children who have become familiar with one language, but are then introduced or required to learn a second language. The classic example of sequential learning is when a non-English speaking child enters an English-dominant classroom.

    Unlike simultaneous language learning, sequential learning of languages can occur at any age and can be influenced by factors like the child’s temperament or motivation.

    The Four Stages of Sequential Second Language Learning
    Stage I: Home Language Use
    For the first few days, children may persist in using their first or native language even if others do not understand them.

    Stage II: Silent Period
    After children realize their first language is not working, they enter a silent period in which they barely speak and rely heavily on nonverbal means to communicate with others. The younger the child, the longer the silent period may last.

    Stage III: Telegraphic & Formulaic Speech
    Children will start to speak in the new or second language. In this stage, they will only speak in small utterances (e.g., Me Down) or by repeating the words of others.

    Stage IV: Productive Language
    Children are now ready to express their own thoughts and construct their own sentences. In the beginning, these sentences may be very basic or grammatically incorrect; however, this improves over time.

    Parents of dual language learners should not be alarmed if their children exhibit any of the above behaviors (e.g., silent period). These behaviors are common for children who are learning a second language. Also, research has found that children who begin to learn a second language before the age of 6 or 7 are more able to speak the new language like a native speaker than children who didn’t start until after ages 6 or 7 (Bongaerts, 2005).

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  3. Orange

    Orange Старожил

    Для тех, кто не боится многабукфф и сложного научного языка -

    Second Language Acquisition in Childhood

    A substantial body of research indicates that it takes 5 to 7 years in English school for L2 children to have academic verbal skills on par with native speakers (Cummins, 2000), but there has been less research focused on the time it takes to master oral language. Hakuta, Goto Butler, and Witt (2000) examined standardized measures of English oral proficiency for 1,872 L1 minority children in San Francisco, and concluded that it took approximately 5 years of schooling in English for children to score in the native-speaker range.
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  4. эЛЕоНоркА

    эЛЕоНоркА Форумчанин

    Какие существуют особенности развития билингвизма у детей? Как происходит освоение письменности у двуязычного ребенка? В каком случае можно говорить о задержке речевого развития у билингвов? На эти и другие вопросы отвечает доктор педагогических наук Екатерина Протасова.
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  5. эЛЕоНоркА

    эЛЕоНоркА Форумчанин

    Всякие полезняшки в группе в ВК для тех, у кого второй язык - английский. Там ещё сайт, всякие диски, книжки - я купила одну, маленькая по объему оказалась и дороговато имхо, но сделано хорошо

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